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of Salvation Army Teaching

An in-depth course in Christian teachings from a Salvation Army perspective.


Easy-to-understand, Foundations is for anyone who wants to go deeper into Christian truth.


More than a course in the Salvation Army doctrines, it tackles big questions, explores how the scriptures speak to those questions, and then shows where the doctrines come from.


Build an informed, compassionate faith.


Equip the saints and build up your church.



Foundations of Salvation Army Teaching 



How it works

Foundations has 14 sessions, or 16 with the two bonus sessions.


Each session has a filmed talk (around 19 minutes) and a small group discussion.


All the resources are available free. Simply register, (see menu bar above), then go for it.

Who is it for?

  • Established believers

  • Young Christians

  • New Christians

  • Seekers

  • People new to The Salvation Army

  • People preparing to become soldiers

  • Students at training or education centres

  • Employees/volunteers who wish to understand the Army’s theology.

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What people are saying
Jo Brookshaw, Australia

I appreciate the relatability and depth of theology presented in these videos.

Commissioner Roy Frans, Indonesia

Good teaching, presented in a simple way. Makes us think deeply.


Isaac Whorway, Liberia

Even those with little education can understand these interesting talks.


The Teacher
Major Peter Farthing is an Australian Salvation Army officer.


Feeling called by God to equip people for service, Peter has taught for 10 different Salvation Army territories and at the International College for Officers.


Among many video projects, Peter wrote and coproduced the award-winning documentary, Our People: The Story of William and Catherine Booth and The Salvation Army


Foundations is free. We only ask you to log in so we can know how many are using the course. 

Here is a sample session.

For other courses, click below or go to menu above

Sit Down with Jesus

The House

Explore practical holiness with your corps or small group

The Salvation Army

Introduce and understand

The Salvation Army

His Story,
My Story

Introduce Jesus through stories from his life


Books and DVDs

Including Our People,

the award-winning

documentary about

William and Catherine Booth.

Our People Media

Our People Media is a production house for Christian resources, with a particular focus on The Salvation Army. It is operated by Major Peter Farthing. 


Click on the red arrow to read more.

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